gcxj The Fitch assessment

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gcxj The Fitch assessment

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CAIRO:At least seven Coptic Christians were killed on Friday when gunmen opened fire on their b [url=https://www.adidasoriginal.de]adidas originals[/url] us in central Egypt, the province's bishop told AFP.A security official confirmed the attack in Minya province, adding that there were dead and wounded .Copts, a Christian minority that make up 10 per cent of Egypt's 96 million people, have in recent years been rep [url=https://www.airmaxplus.it]nike air max 1[/url] eatedly targeted by the Islamic State group.Egypt condemns 17 to death for IS church attacksIS killed more than 40 people in twin church bombings in April 2017 and a month later shot dead almost 30 Christians in Minya province as they headed to a monastery on a bus.In December 2017 an IS killed nine people in an attack on a church in a south Cairo suburb.Egypt investigates 'mysterious' death of Coptic BishopIn February 2018, the Egyptian army launched a major [url=https://www.af1.it]nike air force 1 uomo[/url] offensive against IS in the Sinai Peninsula, where the group has maintained a strong presence since the fall of president Mohamed Morsi in 2013.Dubbed Sinai 2018 , the milita Wgzv Mob runs riot in Ghotki after Hindu teacher booked for alleged blasphemy
LARKANA:As many as 2.5 million children are suffering from thalassaemia in Pakistan.This was stated by Prof Saifullah Jamro, [url=https://www.nikeairforce.es]nike af[/url] Chandka Medical College and Hospit [url=https://www.airmaxplus.de]air max command[/url] al Unit II head of paeds medicine department, while addressing on Tuesday a seminar at Shaikh Zayed Hospital for Women to mark the International Thalassaemia Day.The only cure of thalassaemia is the bone marrow transplantation which is very costly, he said. Kidney diseases eighth biggest killers of women'Prof Jamro maintained that it was essential to get couples test [url=https://www.airforces.us]mens air forces[/url] ed for thalassaemia before marriage to prevent the spread of the disease. Commissioner Muhammad Abbas Baloch said that the government was trying to establish blood donation centres at various places to facilitate thalassaemia patients.Prof Ghulam Asghar Channa said all segments of society should take part in spreading awareness about the disease.