ngzt Southern California rocked by strongest quake in two decades

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ngzt Southern California rocked by strongest quake in two decades

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ISLAMABAD:Raisin nike air af1 g serious objections to the Supreme Court judgment striking down the SC (Review of Judgments and Orders) Act, 2023, the federal government has contended that the judgment has made parliament subservient to the court. quot By discarding the Review Act, 2023 in placing the SC Rules 1980 on a lsquo higher pedestal than ordinary legislation rsquo , this court in essence erodes the principle that judicial power is n air force 1 one ot superior lsquo in degree or dignity 39 to legislative power, rdquo read the government 39 s rev nike air force iew petition filed by Attorney General for Pakistan Mansoor Awan against the apex court 39 s August 11 verdict. ldquo The observation strikes at the very heart of the mainstay of the constitutional framework based on the separation of power as envisioned by the framers of the Constitution. ldquo By placing the SC Rules 1980 framed by the court under the Constitution above the ordinary legislation introduced by the legislature in exercise of its exclusive domain Izku Lyari building collapse death toll rises to 19
RAWALPINDI:A delegation from Saudi Arabia arrived here on Sunday to review arrangements made to assist Haj pilgrims under the pilot project ldquo Road to Makkah rdquo .The team will help with the immigration clearance after scrutinising the travel documents of Pakistani pilgrims at the Islamabad airport.The Saudi delegation arrived at the Islamabad airport after a visit to Lahore to review arrangem adidas originals samba ents.Islamabad International Airport Manager Adnan Khan brief air force one ed the Saudi delegation about the Hajj arrangements. Pilgrims going to Saudi Arabia from Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore airports new balance schuhe will be facilitated under the ldquo Road to Makkah project rdquo .Adnan told the Saudi delegation that a system will be installed at special counters for immigration and pre-clearance of Hajj pilgrims. Immigration of pilgrims from the Islamabad airport will be completed with the help of the Saudi staff. It may be recalled that under the Road to Makkah project, pilgrims from Islamabad had been facilitated


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