lyef Thought police

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lyef Thought police

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NAUDERO:The family of Zara Mangi, a 10-year-old girl who was raped and murdered on July 24 in Moria Fakeer village, held a protest demonstration on Saturday to seek justice for the brutal crime. They claimed that pressure tactics were being used against them by the relatives of the accused in order to stop them from pursuing the murder case.Mangi's family alleged that fake cases had recently been regis stan smith bleu tered against two case witnesses in Khairpur, adding that pressure had also been put on them to destroy evidence. They demanded justice for Mangi, exemplary punishment to the accused and their supporters and the withdrawal of the fake cases lodged against members of the Mangi community.Mangi had left home early in the morning on July 24 to purchase milk from the home of 13-year-old Shiraz Morio, one of the accused, but did not return home. H adidas samba original er body was later found in a sand bag in a guava orchard, located around a kilometre from the village, after a 12-hour-long search.P adidas spezial hombre ublished in The Ex Wlfg Oil prices climb as faith in supply cuts grows
The Lahore-based Burki Institute of Public Policy (BIPP) issues a report every year on the state of the Pakistani economy. jordan hombre In these documents, it has been arguing for years that for Pakistan to realise its economic potential, Islamabad s policymakers must focus on building the country s export sector. Most of the work pertaining to this was done at the BIPP by Dr Pervez Hasan who during his long career at the World Bank had overlapped with mine at the institution. Pervez had worked for several years as chief economist at the World air force mid Bank s East Asia Region. From that position, he had contributed to the adoption by countries in the region of the export sector as the driving force for their economies. He brought the same logic to the situation in Pakistan and developed his thinking in his 1998 book, Pakistan s Economy at the Crossroads.One of the assumptions behind that line of argument was that the world trade system would remain open, that the obstacles to in jordan 23 ternational commerce would co