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A new research agreement was signed today between the Horticulture Innovation Australia (HIA) and the In jordans damen ternational Crops R yeezy boost esearch Institute for the Semi-Arid-Tropics (ICRISAT) at the institute鈥檚 global headquarters in Hyderabad, India. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will allow researchers from ICRISAT and Australian agencies to undertake joint research and development (R&D) in plant genomics for the first time through HIA. The agreement was signed by Mr David Cliffe, HIA Directo nike air forces r and Dr William Dar, ICRISAT Director General.鈥淲e are excited that through this collaboration with HIA, ICRISAT and Australia will be doing not only high-quality but also high-impact research that is expected to reach and benefit millions of farmers and consumers globally,鈥?said Dr Dar of the agreement.Acknowledging the support from ICRISAT, Mr Cliffe emphasized the importance of the new partnership. 鈥淗IA is glad to start this collaboration with ICRISAT in the area of modern genome science including BAHAWALPUR:The Punjab government has f adidas samba rose ormed district agriculture advisory committees throughout the province to address the is adidas samba adidas sues facing farmers and modernise the agriculture sector.聽 District coordination officers will head these committees.Addressing the first meeting of the Rahim Yar Khan District Agriculture Advisory Committee on Wednesday, DCO Captain (r) Zafar Iqbal said that formation of these committees was a positive step. He said that issues facing farmers could be resolved through better planning and effective use of these committees. He said these committees could help prepare a joint action plan for provision of modern facilities to farmers and solve their problems. He said these committees would invite proposals from farmers for promotion of the agriculture sector and submit those proposals to Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif.The DCO said that farmers were the most important community of Pakis stanley tan and growth of the national economy was directly linked to the growth of the ag


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New software developed by Rice University bioengineers could speed up the diagnosis of breast cancer with 90 percent accuracy and without the need for a specialist.Researche dunk cacao rs said the software could improve breast cancer management, particularly in developing countr asics schuhe ies where pathologists are not routinely available.鈥淭o evaluate fresh breast tissue at the point of care could change the current practice of pathology,鈥?said lead researcher Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Rice鈥檚 Malcolm Gillis University Professor and professor of bioengineering and of electrical and computer engineerin yeezy boost g. 鈥淲e have developed a faster means to classify benign and malignant human breast tissues using fresh samples and thereby removing the need for time-consuming tissue preparation.鈥漈oday, breast-cancer diagnosis is an intricate process. Tissue first must be obtained, typically by either a core needle biopsy or surgical excision. Next, pathologists must complete a complex process to prepare the tissue for analysis a SYDNEY:Australia is set to regulate virtual currency exchanges such as Bitcoin and adidas samba rose strengthen the powers of its financial intelligence agency AUSTRAC as it cracks down on money laundering and terrorism financing.The changes came two weeks after AUSTRAC took the country's biggest bank, the Commonwealth, to court for alleged "serious and systemic non-compliance" of money laundering and terror financing laws.Bitcoin options exchange raises $11.4 million in fundingIt follows similar reforms by Japan to regulate virtual currency, after the country found itself at the epicentre of a multi-million dollar embezzlement scandal adidas samba beige following the collapse of the Tokyo-based MtGox Bitcoin exchange."Stopping the movement of money to criminals and terrorists is a vital part of our national security defences and we expect regulated businesses in Australia to comply with our comprehensive regime," Justice Minister Michael Keenan said T adidas samba herren hursday.If you bought $100 of bitcoin 7 years ago, you'd be sitting on


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For the first time, astronauts have used CRISPR/Cas9 technology to edit DNA in space. The gene editing technique was deployed on the International Space Station (ISS) to induce targeted breaks in the yeast genome. Molecular changes left behind as yeast repair these breaks will provide clues about how cells repa nike sb dunk ir their DNA in space. This investigation was co-led by student winners of the 2018 Genes in Space national science competition co-founded by Boeing and miniPCR Bio.The CRISPR-induced DNA lesions are intended to mimic genetic damage caused by cosmic radiation, a serious risk facing space travelers. Though cell nike dunk high s have means of correcting DNA damage, errors in the repair process can lead to negative he dunk nike low alth consequences including cancer. Understanding how DNA repair mechanisms function in space will support the development of better safeguards for space explorers.This Genes in Space study is the fruit of a multi-center collaboration between scientists and engineers at NASA鈥檚 Johnson COLUMBIA, SC:Fresh off a runaway win in the South Carolina primary, Democrat Hillary Clinton turned her sights to a possible match-up with Republican front-runner Donald Trump in the Nov 8 presidential election.Without mentioning Trump's name, the former secretary of state made it clear on Saturday she was already thinking about taking on the real estate mogul whose recent string of victories made him the favourite to be the Republican nominee for the White House race.Clinton shot down Trump's campaign slogan of "Make America Great Again" and his plans to build a wall on the US-Mexican border.Clinton wins South Carolina primary as 'Sup adidas campus grise er Tuesday' looms"Despite what you hear, we don鈥檛 need to make America great again. America has never stopped being great," she told supporters in her victory speech in South Carolina, pausing for applause then adding, "but we do need to make America whole again.""Instead of building walls, we ne nb 574 ed to adidas samba og be tearing down barriers," said Clinton, who would be


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EPFL scientists have developed an algorithm that can determine whether a super-resolution microscope is operating at maximum resolution based on a single image. The method is compatible with all types of microscopes and could one day be a standard feature of automated models.Thanks to the advent of super-resolution microscopes some 30 years ago, scientists can observe subcellular structures, proteins and living tissue with unprece nike dunk uomo dented precision. These microscopes operate by measuring the fluorescent light that some compounds emit naturally or the light emitted by artificial fluorophores, and by exploiting various quantum properties of the fluorophore, can deliver a resolution smaller than t jordan2 he one imposed by the diff nike store dunk raction limit. One problem is that image quality varies considerably with the particular instrument being used and its settings - such as how powerful the laser is and how the individual components are aligned - as well as with the proprieties of the sample being studied.A KARACHI:History and memories are sisters that serve the purpose of retelling tales. This was the crux of a session, titled 'The Dawn of Freedom: The Pain of Parti adidas samba og tion', on the third day of the 8th Karachi Literature Festival on Sunday."Partition was a process, not an event. Like all foundational myths, what needs to be seen is that we refer to each other on the basis of 'the other'," said historian Ayesha Jalal, speaking at an all-women's panel.It was basically stanley a failure of two political parties, who failed on the basis of power-sharing, she said, adding that it led to the creation of two different states. "We need to be newbalance 530 more accommodating towards each other; we can't draw a wall," she asserted.While reading passages from a book and referring to Saadat Hasan Manto's work, Christina Oesterheld said, "Important fiction leads towards catharsis". In Manto's work, there is both irony and sarcasm, she noted. "These writings serve as a reflection of Pakistan's history," said Oesterheld.Writer


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Lymphoma is a blood cancer that affects mor adidas yeezys e than 60,000 Americans each year. Researchers at The University of California Los Angeles have identified genes that when inactivated help cause B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma ( nike dunk high NHL).These genetic defects may also be involved in promoting the formation of other cancers since they ca nike air forces n inactivate normal tumor-suppressing gene activities in a range of cell types.The team led by Michael Teitell, M.D., Ph.D., and funded by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, used genetically engineered mice to accurately mimic human B-cell cancers. They had previously published research in which they identified frequent genetic abnormalities in cancer cells from NHL patients, namely defects in the TCL1 gene and showed that TCL1 abnormalities can cause NHL in mice when accompanied by additional genetic defects. Now, they have found some of these cancer collaborators.Teitell's team used a powerful genetic technique called "restriction landmark genomic scanning" (RLGS) to SHIMLA:A 25-year-old Israeli woman has allegedly been raped by two men in the popula adidas sambarose r northern Indian Himalayan resort town of Manali, senior local police officers said on Monday.The woman has told police she was attacked early Sunday morning after flagging down what she thought was a taxi and asking for a stanley cup lift to a nearby town, superintendent Padam Chand said.Indian rape survivor gang-raped by same men years later"There were six people in the car and two of the occupants raped her she alleged," Chand told AFP, and then they fled.The woman had been trying to reunite with friends who had already left for the nearby town of Keylong after they all arrived in Manali a few days earlier.Police were examining CCTV footage from cameras installed on the streets on Manali, popul newbalance 9060 ar with holidaying foreigners and Indians, in the hope of identifying the suspects."We are examining CCTV footage and hope to nab the culprits. The Israeli embassy has been informed," Chand said.The woman was being treate


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Roche has announced results from a Phase II clinical study of RG7204 (PLX4032), an investigational first-in-class molecule designed to selectively inhibit a cancer-causing, mutated form of the BRAF protein found in approximately half of metastatic melanoma tumors.The open-label study, known as B converse allstar RIM2, showed that the BRAF inhibitor RG7204 shrank tumors in more than half of people with previously treated BRAF V600E mutation-positive metas nike dunks low tatic melanoma. People who participated in the trial lived a median of 6.2 months without their disease getting worse (median progression-free survival or PFS). Typically, progression-free survival for these patients is approximately two months and median overall survival is six to nine months.The data were presented at the seventh International Melanoma Research Congress of th nike dunk donna e Society for Melanoma Research in Sydney, Australia by Jeffrey Sosman, M.D. on Friday, November 5, 9:00 a.m. AEDT.鈥淲e are pleased by the RG7204 study results in advanced melanoma, Shahid Kapoor and Alia Bhatt were named Best Actors at the 18th edition of the IIFA Awards, for their remarkable work in Udta Punjab on Saturday, Hindustan Times reported.Diljit Dosanjh also won the best debut actor male for the same film.Both Shahid and Alia were emotional about winning the award for a film which made its way to the big screen after fighting the censor board, and let mainstream performers like them take up something risky.Diljit too thanked his fans for support in a Twitter post.鈥淟ove my fans. Guys this is all because of you. Thanks team IIFA and 鈥楿dta Punjab鈥?鈥?he tweeted.@IIFA BEST Debut Actor For #UdtaPun nb balance jab 馃檹 #LoveMyFans Guys This is All Because of You 馃槉馃檹馃檹 Thx Tea adidas campus bianche m Iifa & UdtaPunjab 馃槉馃檹 #Abishekchaubeybhaji pic.twitter.com/93e1V7x5aB— DILJIT DOSANJH (@diljitdosanjh) July 16, 20176 epic moments from Lux Style Awards 2017Katrina Kaif gave away the award to Shahid, while Varun Dhawan announced Alia as the Best Actor - Female at the eve adidas campus pink nt, held at the M


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Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) now have a high-resolution view of exactly how the experimental therapy ZMapp targets Ebola virus.The new study is also the first to show how an antibody in the ZMa yeezy pp 鈥渄rug cocktail鈥?targets a second Ebola virus protein, called sGP, whose vulne dunk rable spots had previously been unknown.鈥淭his sGP protein is tremendously important,鈥?said TSRI Professor Erica Ollmann Saphire, who co-led the study with TSRI Associate Professor Andrew Ward. 鈥淭his is the roadmap we need to target the right molecules in infection.鈥濃€淒etermining the proper balance in targeting these two Ebola proteins will be key to building improved therapeutics,鈥?added Ward.Zooming in on ZMappScientists need detailed images of Ebola virus鈥檚 molecular structure. Like enemy reconnaissance, structures can show where Ebola is vulnerable and how medical treatments can neutralize it.TSRI scientists are harnessing an imaging technique called new balances 530 cryo-electron microscopy (in which a sample ISLAMABAD:The Islamabad High Court (IHC) was informed on Friday that the Islamabad SP-Investigati adidas samba adidas on, who heads a Joint-Investigation Team (JIT) campus adidas beige probing the case of a software engineer missing from the capital, could not appear before the court since he was on leave.The standing counsel and the Crime Inves adidas schuhe campus tigation Agency DSP Bashir Ahmed Noon appeared before Justice Athar Minallah on Friday and explained that since the SP was on leave, he could not appear in person before the court.Taking stern notice of the SP鈥檚 absence, Justice Minallah remarked, 鈥淲ork doesn鈥檛 stop if one person is on leave.鈥漃etitioner Mahera Sajid鈥檚 counsel Umer Gilani contended that the performance of police could be gauged from the fact that incidences of disappearances have only increased in the capital since they had approached the court.The DSP, however, replied that other members of the JIT, which include representatives of the intelligence agencies, were diligently continuing with investigations.Justice Minall


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Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute (BDI) scientists have nike dunkpanda discovered a previously unknown method used by bacteria to evade immune responses.The study, published in Nature Microbiology, points to potential new ways of countering bacterial infections, w dunk low hich are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics.First author Dr Pankaj Deo said researchers in Dr Thomas Naderer鈥檚 laboratory took a different approach to understanding the process by which bacteria release toxins that disarm the 鈥減owerhouse鈥?mitochondria in immune cells.The study showed that immune cells sense that their mitochondria are no longer functional during infections, which triggers apoptosis. 鈥淚ronically, it is the activation of host cell death factors that deliver the final blow to mitochondria which induces apoptosis, not the bacterial toxins themselves,鈥?Dr Pankaj said.The researchers genetically targeted apoptotic factors and showe yeezy d that they were able to reduce inflammation in mice, which increased health outcome FAISALABAD:Agriculture Secretary Muhammad Mahmood said on Wednesday that researchers should come up with viable policy solutions to various problems facing the agriculture sector.Addressing a joint meeting of the Steering Committee and the Council for Research and Policy at the University of Agr new balance femme iculture Faisalabad (UAF), the secretary said the agriculture sector was facin adidas samba adidas g problems of low productivity, water scarcity, shrinking cultivable area and poor marketing. He sai new balance bleu d that Pakistan had a fertile land and a favourable ecosystem, but it was not benefiting from them. He said the government was trying to solve the problems facing the farming community. He said the farming community must be educated about the use of modern farming methods.The US-Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Agriculture and Food Security (USPCAS-AFS) at the UAF had arranged the meeting. Former National Assembly speaker Syed Fakhar Imam co-chaired the meeting.The secretary praised the steps being taken by the UA


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Sequenom, Inc. has announced adidas yeezy that its non-invas air force schwarz ive fetal Rhesus D (RHD) genotyping assay demonstrated 100% concordance with routine European non-invasive Real-time PCR (RT-PCR) methods.This data demonstrates that the research use only fetal RHD genotyping assay utilizing Sequenom's MassARRAY庐 technology may be a suitable alternative for clinical assessme yeezy ciabatte nt of prenatal RHD incompatibility.鈥淐linical concordance between the MassARRAY platform and the current standards employed in the European community is an important validation of our testing approach,鈥?stated Harry Stylli, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of Sequenom.鈥淥ur first clinical licensee Lenetix Medical Screening Laboratory, Inc. is scheduled to launch its 'home brew' application for RHD incompatibility on a RT-PCR platform this quarter and we expect a 'home brew' RHD incompatibility test on the MassARRAY platform to be introduced later this year through a CLIA-certified laboratory. We plan to continue developing non KARACHI:Former chief selector Salahuddin Sallu refrained from heaping out-and-out praise on Mohammad Amir despite the pacer completing a five-wicket haul 鈥?his first such feat following his return to international cricket 鈥?on day two of the first Test against West Indies at Sabina Park, Jamaica on Saturday.Amir鈥檚 quintet of wickets reduce boots kaufen d the host to 278 for 9 before rain put an early end to a wet, miserable day of cricket, which saw only 11.3 overs of action.A day after rattling the hosts' top order with three wickets, Amir added two more quickfire scalps to his tally.Kamran Akmal out, Umar Akmal in for ICC Champions TrophyHowever, Sallu still remains unimpressed since in his opinion, the wickets were more a personal gain rather than a contribution to the team's cause."Amir did well bagging five wickets for himself but they were of little advanta new balance hombre ge for the team," said the 70-y adidas samba plataforma ear-old Sallu, who feels Amir and his peers took their foot off the gas and became lethargic after dismantli


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BioNanomatrix, Inc. has announced receipt of a grant from the National Human Genome Research Institute of the U.S. National Insti yeezy sneaker tutes of Health (NIH).Under the direction of BioNanomatrix principal investigator Dr. Ming Xiao, the two-year $399,020 project will develop a nanoscale platform for single-molecule haplotyping imaging and analysis of long strands of DNA at ultra-high resolution in a massively parallel format.鈥淲e are pleased that the NIH has again recognized the potential of our revolutionary nanoscale single-molecule imaging and analysis technology by awarding us this new grant, which is explicitly intended to support the d dunk low evelopment of a platform to produce consistent lineariz nike dunk panda ation and imaging of individual DNA molecules, allowing for high resolution mapping of labeled genomic sites,鈥?said Han Cao, Ph.D., chief scientific officer of BioNanomatrix.鈥淭his added support will help us accelerate the development of the platform, which we believe could add significantly to the under ISLA stanley kaufen MABAD:Federal Minister for Commerce Khurram Dastgir on Wednesday said necessary work has been completed for free nb zapatillas trade contracts with Turkey and Thailand.Replying to a question in the National Assembly, he said that in 2017 free trade contracts would be signed with South Korea. 鈥淲e have trade opportunities with Russia in the field of defence and nb agriculture,鈥?he said, adding that Russia was also interested in Pakistani potatoes and oranges.According to Dastgir, the government has taken a major step towards strengthening its ties with Russia in the defence sector, adding that this would bring improvement in trade relations between the two countries. Pakistani farmers participated for the very first time in the agriculture expo held in Russia, he said. This would soon lead to major import trade, he added.He told the National Assembly that for the last five years no contracts of import and export have been signed, adding that ten-year old agreements with China had also been renewed.In


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A novel screening platform has flagged more than 95 percent of stage 1 pancreatic cancers, according to a pilot study published inNature Communications Medicine. If validated by future studies, the approach offers a new way to detect the third-leading cause of U.S. cancer deaths in 2020.The study of 139 stage 1 and 2 cancer patients and 184 controls is the first clinical test of a platform technology called high-conductance di-electrophoresis, developed at Moores Cancer Center at UC San Diego Health 12 years ago. It detec converse ts extracellular vesicles (EVs), which contain tumor proteins that are released into circulation by cancer cells as part of a poorly understood intercellular communication network. Artificial intellig yeezy ence-enabled protein marker analysis is then used to predict the likelihood of malignancy.In addition to detecting 99.5 percent of stage 1 pancreat adidas yeezys ic cancers, the approach flagged 74.4 percent of stage 1 ovarian cancer and 73.1 percent of pathologic stage 1A lethally aggre TENGGULUN:Fifteen years since they were memb stanley website ers of a radical Islamist group that killed 202 people on Indonesia's tourist island of Bali, Ali Fauzi andSumarno are building peace instead of bombs.The former devotees of the Jemaah Islamiah militant group are counselling ex-militants, educating their children, and em adidas campus uomo ploying their wives as teachers - part of Fauzi's Peace Circle initia adidas adidas samba tive launched this year to combat extremism. At the Lingkar Perdamaian school in Tenggulun village in East Java on Thursday, they celebrated Indonesia's Independence Day with a flag raising ceremony.Suspected militant shot dead after stabbing Indonesian policemenAmong those attending were 50 ex-combatants and militants. In front of the local police commander and military chief, with students and former combatants arranged in formation looking on, the Indonesian flag was raised by three ex-militants in crisp white uniforms as the national anthem played."This came from the deepest part of our heart. It showed t


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Researchers at the University of Michigan have engineered a new compound that animal tests suggest could offer the pain-re baskets yeezy l dunk panda ieving properties of opioids such as morphine and oxycodone without the risk of addiction. With more than 100 Americans dying from opioid overdoses every day, there is an urgent need for drugs that offer strong pain-relieving properties without leading to addiction.Tom谩s Joaqu铆n Fern谩ndez, a postbaccalaeureate scholar in the University of Michigan Department of Pharmacology and Edward F Domino Research Center, will present this new preclinical research at the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics annual meeting during the 2018 Experimental Biology meeting to be adidas yeezy held April 21-25 in San Diego. Fern谩ndez worked on this research with colleagues in the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy Department of Medicinal Chemistry.One problem with today's opioids is that patients develop tolerance, which leads to the requirement for more drugs to RAWALPINDI:Used as drug mules, kidnapped, and locked in chains by bad cops鈥he ordeal of three children ended only after they were recovered by police on Wednesday evening from Dheri Hassanabad.Civil Lines police on Thursday handed over three children, aged between six to nine years, to the Child Protection Bureau of Punjab.Tar nb balance iqabad police post in-charge SI Naveed Ahm stanley-cup ed was on patrol on Wednesday when he received a tip-off from an informant that Akhtar, a mechanic, had locked up three children in a rented house.New home: 14 homeless children rescued last weekA newbalance 9060 cting on the tip-off, the police raided the house near Malang CNG station in Dheri Hassanabad and recovered Khan Dad, Ghulam Dad, and Fariha Pasroor. Officials added that the children had been bound in chains.The children, who seemed to be of Afghan origin, told police in their broken Urdu, that a man had given them a packet of hashish, weighing a kilogramme, in Peshawar and put them on a Rawalpindi-bound bus on May 2.Akhtar, 8-y


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Following recent studies showing that prostate cancer originates in basal stem cells, UCLA researchers were surprised to discover that the cancer eventually begins to grow from a different type of cell called a luminal stem cell. The new disco jordan low very indicates that the basal stem cells evolv nike store dunk e into luminal stem cells as the cancer grows. Existing prostate cancer drugs are designed to seek out and kill the basal stem cells that give rise to the cancer, so the evolution from basal to luminal stem cells creates a "moving target" that renders the drugs less effective over time.The study, by Andrew Goldstein, Dr. Owen Witte, Tanya Stoyanova and colleagues from UCLA's Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research and UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, was pu yeezy 500 blished online by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and will appear later in the journal's print edition.Adult stem cells are tissue-specific cells that regenerate and replace diseased NEW DELHI/ISLAMABAD:A fraught relationship between Pakistan and India,聽two states born out of the b adidas campus pink loody division of the British Raj upon independence in 1947, still defines the political landscape of South Asia today.Here are key dates in the troubled history of the nuclear-armed rivals:On August 14-15 1947, British rule ends and the Indian sub-continent is divided into mainly Hindu India and Muslim-majority Pakistan. A poorly-prepared partition unleashes sectarian bloodshed that kills hundreds of thousands and displaces millions more. Some estimate adidas campus orange s say as many as two million people died.Indo-Pak Partition: Five tales full of tragediesFrom 1947-1949 the new nations fight over Kashmir, a Muslim-majority state which ends up being divided along a de facto border still disputed today.A second war over Kashmir in 1965 ends in stalemate. In 1972 the border becomes known as the Line of Control .In 1971 the two countries also fi new balance uomo ght over East Pakistan, which secedes from West Pakistan to


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Researchers at Karolinska Institutet, in collaboration with JLP Health and others, have identified how the tick-borne Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus enters our cells. The results are published in Nature Microbiology and are an imp nike dunks panda ortant step in the development of drugs against the deadly disease.Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus (CCHF virus) is spread through tick bites and can cause haemorrhagic fever. The disease is serious and has a mortality rate of up to 40 per cent depending on the health status of t yeezy he person infected. Co nike dunk mmon symptoms include fever, muscle pain, abdominal pain, joint pain, vomiting and haemorrhaging that can cause organ failure.The disease has spread to Europe鈥疶he virus is present in around 40 countries, including Central Asia, the Middle East and parts of Africa. In recent years, the disease has spread to new geographical areas as a result of climate change, including Spain and France. The tick species that can spread the disease has also been obser Pakistan International Airlines on Thursday announced a compensation of Rs0.5 million for聽 adidas campus 80s the heirs of聽the 47 victims of the PK-661 crash.The PIA flight crashed into a hillside after one of its two turboprop engines failed while travelling from the city of Chitral to the capital, and burst into flames killing everyone o adidas campus 00's n board.Relevance of ATRs in modern fleet?"On the directions of chairman and CEO PIA an amount of Rs500,000 cash is being given to the next of kin of all 47 persons who lost their lives in the tragic ATR crash, to meet funeral expenses," a PIA press release聽stated."District managers have been directed to personally visit the residences of the deceased and hand over the amount in cash. This will be f adidas campus homme ollowed by a comprehensive compensation package as per law," it added.video="83523" player="7247" title="PIA announces Rs0.5 million compensation for PK661 crash victims"]PIA crash victims to be identified by DNAThe aircraft issued a Mayday call at 4:14 pm Wednesday befo


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Tiny channels between nerve cells are involved in a newly discovered mechanism of how Parkinson's disease can spread throughout the brain, according to new research from Link枚ping University, Sweden. The res yeezy boost ults demonstrate that harmful protein aggregates, or deposits, can bind and "hitch a lift" with channel-forming proteins, and in this way spread to healthy cells. The study has been published in Acta Neuropathologic yeezy a.Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's disease, affect different regions of the human brain. Despite these regional differences, research has shown that the processes inside cells affected by these diseases have a lot in common. One characteristic of these diseases is that specific proteins start to form aggregates that damage and eventually kill the cell. In Parkinson's di new balance f眉r damen sease, it is misfolded forms of a protein known as 伪-synuclein that are involved. These aggregates can recruit normal forms of 伪-synuclein, causing the formation ISLAMABAD:Pakistan launched a concerted diplomatic push for a membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) after the United States backed India鈥檚 bid to join the 48-nation informal but exclusive club of nuclear trading countries.Last month, Islamabad formally applied for a NSG membership, setting the stage for a possible showdown with New Delhi when preliminary negotiations start on the issue in Vienna next week.Paki stanley-cup stan tells US it qualifies for nuclear suppliers clubIndian Prime Minister Narendra Modi secured Washington鈥檚 backing on Tuesday for New Delhi鈥檚 bid for a membership of the NSG after talks with US President Barack Obama.However, Pakista adidas samba adidas n warned against any country-specific exemptions, w nb balance hich according to a senior Foreign Office official, would negatively impact strategic stability in South Asia.On Wednesday, Prime Minister鈥檚 Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz spoke by the phone with foreign ministers of Russia, South Korea and New Zealand as part of Pakistan鈥檚 continu


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Aureus Pharma has announced that Euroscreen, SA has become a customer of its AurSCOPE GPCR knowledge database. Euroscreen joins a growing list of companies tenis yeezys using Aureus Pharma's technology, including sanofi-aventis, Roche, and Servier. AurSCOPE GPCR is designed to provide researchers rapid access to quantitative biological activity data mined from the scientific jour converse nals and patents for all known GPCR's, a major class of membrane proteins.聽聽聽 Euroscreen will use Aureus Pharma's technology in conjunction with their in-house technology to identify GPCR drug candidates.聽 鈥淏y integrating the Aureus GPCR knowledge database with Euroscreen's research platform, our scientists will be able to rapidly prioritize candidates in lead generation and optimization programs,鈥?sa yeezy 350 id Dr. Francois Roman, Vice President R & D for Euroscreen. 鈥淭he information contained within the database will also help us in the design of our chemical libraries for our screening campaigns,鈥?said Dr. Frederic Ooms, Head of Forever in the shadow of their illustrious men鈥檚 team Pakistan women hockey team finally have made their presence felt by qualifying for the Asian Hockey Federation Cup semi-finals in Singapore.Hockey as a sport has taken a horrible nosedive in recent decades with Pakistan men鈥檚 team with four World Cup and three Olympic titles under their belt failing to even qualify for the two prestigious events.At this juncture of Pakistan鈥檚 sporting history the country is struggling to produce quality athletes in any sport barring cricket hence the achievement by the women鈥檚 team can not be ugg boots damen underestimated.Four years ago, at the qualification in Singapore, the team perfo new balance rosa rmed woefully and were subjected to some humiliating defeats by their opponents. Teams like the hosts Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand and Chinese Taipei scored goal after goal against the green shi adidas campus verte rts who largely looked out of depth for even a continental event. But gradually the green shirts have improved and are now a force at the


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Islay Campbell, who has previously worked in Pharma at EMD Serono, has significant experience in the field of protein binding analysis gained while working for ForteBIO. Ms Campbell will provide a yeezy 700 local US-based point of contact for potential new and current customers interested in utilising SAW鈥檚 innovative sam庐 range of biosensors. This single platform represents a step-change for biosensors by accurately measuring protein-protein interactions, protein small molecule interactions, protein conformational changes and antibody kinetics using living cells. To help researchers realise the advantages offered by the SAW approach, Miss Campbell will provide local support by way of demonstrations, installation, system-train yeezys slide ing and on-going application advice.Managing Director of SAW nike jordan 1 Instruments, Dr Markus Perpeet, said: 鈥淪ince the recent US launch of sam庐X at the IBC Antibody Engineering meeting in San Diego last December, we have seen significant interest from a number of US companies and in ISLAMABAD:Social media is not considered a tool that can make a difference due to its use for the wrong reasons in Pakistan. But, if used properly, it can have a monum nb ental impact.This was the crux of a lecture titled 鈥淚mpact of Social Media and Digital Information Challenges and Solutions鈥?given by Beyond the Horizon Chief Visionary Officer (CVO) Ahmad Jawad.He said that social and digital media is generally perceiv adidas samba ed to be Twitter and Facebook alone and the area should be introduced as a subject in the curriculum at different levels to help people understand the importance and repercussion adidas samba vegan s of its use.Jawad said that traditional media lacks innovation and creativity, while social media runs on creativity and innovation and you only need strong and smart ideas to use it.鈥淭he recent US presidential elections proved that despite the conventional media鈥檚 lack of support for President-elect Donald Trump -social media helped him win the polls,鈥?he added. The CVO added that similarly, the r


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A new panel of genes could pick out men at highest risk of developing prostate cancer and pick out those already diagnosed who are likely to have particularly aggressive forms of the disease, a large-scale genetic analysis has found.The panel could be developed into a test for use in s yeezy sneakers creening services so that high-risk men could be closely monitored, increasing the chance of catchin adidas yeezy g the disease early.And as the test looks at inherited prostate cancer risk, family members of men at high risk could in future also consider getting tested.In men already diagnosed with prostate cancer, the gene panel could help pick out patients with more aggressive disease, who could be offered different treatment options most likely to work for adidas yeezy them.New genes linked to prostate cancer risk and aggressivenessScientists at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, analysed the genes of more than 1,200 men with young-onset prostate cancer 鈥?in which inheritance is likely to play a particularly important ro GILGIT:The high profile CPEC project may be a boon for the country, but if certain corrective measures are not adopted, it may prove to be a bane for residents G-B.Presently G-B residents of the area have to brave samba adidas og an arduous 20-hour journey from to get to Islamabad via the narrow 600 km Karakoram Highway (KKH).鈥淚t will be a nightmare for travellers,鈥?said Aziz Ahmad, a development expert and a businessman.鈥淭he journey will take twice or thrice as long once CPEC becomes fully operational as traffic will increase manifold and heavy containers will begin to ply the route,鈥?Ahmed told The Express Tribune on Tuesday. 鈥淭he KKH is narrow and one will not be abl adidas samba homme e to overtake big containers everywhere,鈥?he added.According to some reporters, at least 7,000 shipping containers will adidas campus uomo pass through G-B every day via the KKH 鈥?a strategic highway that connects Pakistan with China after traversing some 450 km in G-B.In other words it comes down to a container every ten seconds once CPEC is in full swin


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Kuros Biosurgery AG, has announced that it has regained rights to a number of trauma and spine product candidates that were previously licensed to Baxter International Inc.Kuros鈥?regained rights include the following product candidates:鈥?KUR-111 - KUR-111 has met its primary efficacy endpoint demonstrating non-inferiority to autograft in a 183 patient Phase II study in tibial plateau fracture patients. nike store dunks 鈥?KUR-113 - KUR-113 is in an ongoing Phase II study evaluating the efficacy and safety of KUR-113 as an adjunct to the standard of care in the treatment of patients with acute open tibial shaft fractures. The 6 month results are reported in a separate press release issued by Kuros.鈥?KUR-115 - which is being prepared for clinical studies in spinal fusion patients.Didier Cowling, Chief Executive Officer of Kuros, commenting on today鈥檚 announcement said: 鈥淲e now have rights to af1 shoes a portfolio of late stage clinic dunk nike high al products with significant clinical efficacy and safety data following Kuros havin LONDON:Jose Mourinho has challenged Manchester United's stars to prove his revolution is on track by winning the first major silverware of his reign in Sunday's League Cup final against Southampton.Given his remarkable success in 17 years as the world's most fascinating and polarising manager, it's understandable Mourinho labels the League Cup as only a "little detail" on a glittering CV including two Champions League triumphs and league titles in England, Spain, Italy and Portug new balance homme al.But the United manager is too shrewd an operator not to realise that perception is everything in the 'what have you done for me lately' world of the Premier League.After being sacked by Chelsea last season, Mourinho arrived at United in July with a point to pr ugg boots damen ove after critics questioned whether he had lost his magic touch and the initial reviews of his rebuilding job were underwhelming.Rooney could miss League Cup finalDespite overhauling an unbalanced squ adidas campus 00's ad with the world record capture of France midfielde


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Editor yeezy 350 in chief of the Journal Professor Gemperline explained the basis for the award: 鈥淭he selection committee liked your paper鈥檚 new look at one of chemometric鈥檚 oldest, most central and important methods. In their justification for selecting this paper the committee noted that the paper was clearly written, was based on a sound theoretical understanding of the properties of numerical methods, and provided many useful insights into the numerical stability of PLS.鈥?An abstract of the paper can be found here .The Kowalski Prize is awarded each year, and alternates between the 'best theoretical paper' and 'best applied paper' published in the Journal of Chemometrics in the previous two yeezys 700 years.Andersson joined FOSS in 1999 and has worked extensively with calibration development within image analysis and artificial neural networks. He s nike sb dunk aid:鈥漈he award is not only important to me. I am just one of the many application specialists in the FOSS organization and the award confirms that the peopl In 2014 Ali Ahmed, a sophomore at Lahore University of Management Science, had an entrepreneurial epiphany: he wanted to start a brand of premium rotis and naans, culminating with a string of high-end tandoors nationwide. He pitched this idea to three other friends, including new balance bleu future Chief Marketing Officer Saifullah Minhas, who were studying with him. 鈥淒espite our differences, all of us wanted to do something extraordinary in life and this desire led to our entrepreneurial venture,鈥?explains Minhas. 鈥淥nce we opened up our shop, we realised the potential of our idea. uggs Then we began experimenting with naans and different types of flavours and ended up with our signature Nutella and Pizza naans. Thus, Maro Tandoors (MT) was born,鈥? adidas campus 00's he adds.Cafeela conquers desi cuisineThe meteoric rise of the concept introduced by MT led to this idea being rapidly replicated across Lahore and Islamabad. For instance, Usman Iftikhar, one of the owners of Mr. Sheeda (MS) in Lahore, wanted to incorporate conti


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New research from UBC Okanagan could make monitoring gut health easier and less painful by tapping int yeezys schuhe o a common鈥攜et often overlooked鈥攕ource of information: the mucus in our digestive system that eventually becomes part of fecal matter.Correct, what鈥檚 in ou yeezy schuh r poop.Biology researcher Dr. Kirk Bergstrom and master鈥檚 student Noah Fancy found a non-invasive technique to study MUC2, a critical gut protein, from what we leave behind in the bathroom.鈥淢UC2 is like the silent star in our guts. It鈥檚 constantly working to protect us, and its proper functioning is crucial for our overall health,鈥?Dr. Bergstrom says. 鈥淚t was originally thought that you could only access this important molecule from biopsies or tissue removed via surgery鈥攈ighly invasive and painful procedures.鈥淗owever, our study shows mucus is actually a part of our stool, meaning we can get at it painlessly and at levels we could not before. Anytime we can do analysis non-invasively, it鈥檚 a win. yeezy 350 鈥漌ant more breaking news?Subscribe to OSWIECIM:Brick by brick, plank by plank, workers at the former German death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau carefully clean its barracks to preserve the Holocaust symbol for future generations. "This is the largest preservation project in the history of the museum at Auschwitz-Birkenau. It's unprecedented," museum spokesperson Pawel Sawicki told AFP.Along with the ruins of the gas chambers and crematoria, the barracks bear witness to Germany's killing of around 1.1 million people, at this camp, which it built in 1940 in the southern city of Oswiecim after occupying Poland."Preserving a barrack requires a completely different approach than one used to preserve a church for example. There, the goa stanleycup l is to return the building to its ori adidas adidas samba ginal state, so its most beautifu ugg ultra mini l state," says site manager Ewa Cyrulik.UK man spends life savings on a plot, discovers lost city"Here, the goal is to leave everything unchanged. The biggest compliment for us is when someone says they can't really see a difference


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Compugen Ltd. has announced the discovery and initial validation of two new drug target candidates for monoclonal antibody (mAb) cancer therapy.These new candidates have been shown to be expressed in multiple types of tumors and were shown to have an immunomodulatory activity in affecting both innate and adaptive immune responses, thus providing the potential for an efficient and targeted approach in cancer treatment.By offering a different mode of action from Compugen's other immune checkpoint candidates, these molecules further broaden the scope of the Company's Pipe [url=https://www.nike-dunk.it]nike dunk sb[/url] line Program for monoclonal antibody treatment of cancer.In recent in vitro studies, both of these immune checkpoint molecules have shown distinct activity inhibiting two key subtypes [url=https://www.nike-dunk.it]dunk nike low[/url] of immune cells, Natural Killer (NK) cells and T cells.These key immune cell subt [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]dunk nike store[/url] ypes act to recognize and kill tumor cells and have critical roles in the response of the immune system to tumor development.Antibodies directed against and blo KARACHI:In the maiden distribution ceremony of the Pakistan Banking Awards (2016) on Friday night, United Bank (UBL) was declared the country鈥檚 best bank for making a significant contribution to national development and demonstrating effective management of its resources.In collaboration with [url=https://www.stanleycups.fr]stanleycup[/url] global accountancy firm A F Ferguson, the Instit [url=https://www.inkwiz.se]ugg mini[/url] ute of Bankers Pakistan (IBP) has instituted the Pakistan Banking Awards, which are merit-based, independent and free of advertisers鈥?pressure, the organisers claim.An independent jury evaluated the entries in eight different categories before announcing its decisions in the ceremony attended by State Bank of [url=https://www.inkwiz.se]ugg boots tasmania[/url] Pakistan (SBP) Governor Ashraf Mehmood Wathra as chief guest.The jury for the inaugural Pakistan Banking Awards included former SBP governor Syed Salim Raza, Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance CEO Fuad Hashimi, State Life Insurance Corporation Chairperson Nargis Ghallo, former banking ombudsman Azhar Hameed, and former regional head for


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W yeezy slide ithout their keen sense of smell, mosquitoes wouldn't get very far. They rely on this sense to find a host to bite and spots to lay eggs.And without that sense of smell, mosquitoes could not locate their dominant source of food: nectar from flowers."Nectar is an important source of food for all mosquitoes," said Jeffrey Riffell, a professor of biology at the University of Washington. "For male mosquitoes, nectar is their only food source, and female mosquitoes feed on nectar for all but a few days of their lives."Yet scientists know little about the scents that draw mosquitoes toward certain flowers, or repel them from others. This information could help develop less toxic and better repellents, more effec new balance 327 tive traps and understand how the mosq tenis yeezys uito brain responds to sensory information -- including the cues that, on occasion, lead a female mosquito to bite one of us.Riffell's team, which includes researchers at the UW, Virginia Tech and UC San Diego, has discovered the chemical cues th A powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake killed two people and caused massive infrastructure damage in New Zealand on Monday, but officials said they were optimistic the death toll would not rise.The tremor, one of the most powerful ever recorde adidas samba rose d in the quake-prone South Pacific nation, hit just after midnight near the South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.It triggered a tsunami alert t nb 530 hat sent thousands of people fleeing for higher ground across large parts of the country's rugged coastline before the threat abated. Rescuers were left scrambling to reach Kaikoura, which had no telecommunications and was isolated by landslips, leaving officials fearing the worst. But Civil Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee said 12 hours after the quake that a clearer picture of the damage was emerging. A railway line is damaged by a samba adidas og n earthquake, near Tirohanga stream south of Blenheim on the South Island of New Zealand, November 14, 2016. PHOTO: REUTERS


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GSK is in the process of obtaining additional information in order to better un dunks nike low derstand the data, but will not resume the trials until it has concluded its investigation. Upon completion of the review, GSK will determine next steps regardin nike airforce g the future development of GSK '052.In addition to the Phase 2b study in cUTI, GSK '052 is currently being evaluated in a Phase 2b study in complicated intra-abdominal infections (cIAI) and two Phase 1 studies in healthy volunteers. While the microbiological finding seen in the cUTI study is not related to the safety of GSK '052, the potential to negatively impact efficacy led GSK to voluntarily suspend enrollment in all four studies. Subjects who are currently enrolled in the ongoing studies may continue at the discretion of the investigator."We will work with GSK to better understand this microbiological finding, which we anticipate could take several months," said David Perry, CEO of Anacor Pharmaceuticals. "We respec dunk low t GSK's decision to pause enr A nb 550 fghan Hazara women beekeepers c adidas samba adidas heck beehives as they work at a bee farm in the Yakawlang District adidas samba vegan of Bamiyan Province. PHOTO: AFP


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FundaGeek has announced the launch of a new portal site expressly for scientific researchers - www.fundageek.com/research. FundaGeek develope yeezys 350 d this portal site to help researchers and educators find funding for their projects.The portal site refines and focuses the FundaGeek message of technical innovation specifically to address the needs of scientists working at universities and other re dunk panda search institutions.Undergrad researchers are welcome. Any area of scientific-oriented research is appropriate for FundaGeek: physical and life sciences, engineering, social sciences, health sciences, and education.FundaGeek is unique in the crowdfunding ecosystem in that research projects do not follow the 鈥渁ll or nothing鈥?funding model; the project need not meet the goal amount at the end of the campaign period, and receives all pledges that have been made.The FundaGeek research portal offers information dunk cacao tailored to the scientific research community - special FAQs, tips for the researcher to get the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Pemra) on Monday issued a s adidas campus noir how cause notice to Bol News over content聽of Dr Shahid Masood鈥檚 show.Finance minister sends legal notice to Bol NewsThe media watchdog in its notice said the programme, Live with Dr Shahid Masood, discussed sensitive information 鈥渞ecklessly and carelessly鈥? 聽The notice referred to an episode of the programme aired on January 24, 2017 at 08.05 pm on Bol News聽which discussed civil-military relations.pic.twitter.com/6nMrErB4rM— Report PEMRA (@reportpemra) January 30, 2017The regulator asked the channel to reply to the notice by February 2.The notice came after Finance Minister Ishaq Dar filed a complaint against the channel and the anchor.PEMRA bans Ami campus adidas schuhe r Liaquat over hate speechAccording to Pemra and Dar's notices, Dr Masood in his programme stated that two ministers, one of whose name st new balance arts with a 鈥楰鈥?and the other鈥檚 with a 鈥楧鈥? were called to the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi recently. Dr Masood


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Queensland researchers have become the first in Australia to use human stem cells to generate fully functioning skin tissue in a laboratory, a significant step towards bette new balance schuhe r treatments for severe burns and wounds.The skin tissue, produced by The University of Que nike store dunk en adidas yeezy sland鈥檚Frazer Instituteand Metro North Health鈥檚 Herston Biofabrication Institute, can develop hair follicles and neurons as well as sebaceous and sweat glands.Project leaderDr Abbas Shafieesaid the generated skin mimics that of the human body more closely than existing skin substitutes.Want more breaking news?Subscribe to Technology Networks鈥?daily newsletter, delivering breaking science news straight to your inbox every day.Subscribe for FREE UNITED NATIONS:UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon used his farewell address to the General Assembly on Tuesday to urge world leaders to end the war in Syria and bring the Paris climate deal into force this year.With just nb zapatillas three months to go before he steps down as UN chief, Ban also made a final plea to end the 鈥渕adness鈥?of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and gave world leaders advice on good governance.鈥淢y message to all is clear: serve your people. Do not subvert democracy, do not pilfer your country鈥檚 resources, do not im adidas campus grau prison and torture your critics.鈥漈he former South Korean foreign minister is st adidas campus damen epping down on December 31 after 10 years in what has been widely described as the world鈥檚 most impossible job.Now in its sixth year with over 300,000 dead, the war in Syria is dominating this year鈥檚 gathering of world leaders and stands out as the unfinished business of Ban鈥檚 tenure.鈥淚 appeal to all those with influence to end the fighting and get talks started,鈥?Ban said.Denouncing the 鈥渟


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The study, "Characterization of Circulating Endothelial Cells in Acute Myeloid Infarction," was led by Eric J. Topol, M.D., director of the Scripps Translational Science Institute, in collaboration yeezy ciabatte with researchers at Veridex and other hospitals in Southern California.The study used the Veridex CellSearch庐 technology to capture circulating endothelial cells (CECs) in 50 myocardial infarction (MI) patients. These cells were further interrogated for protein markers to confirm their endothelial origin by the team at Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. It was discovered that MI patients had more than 400 percent more CECs compared to blood samples obtained from the control group of 22 healthy adidas yeezys volunteers. Importantly, CECs in the MI patient group had distinct physical abnormalities, such as cell shape and an increased likelihood of having multip dunk sb le nuclei."One person dies every minute as a result of a heart attack here in the U.S.," said Topol. "This initial research could lay the groundwork fo MOSCOW:In a former czar's palace in Moscow, mod adidas samba bianche els display a fashion collection designed by the 18-year-old daughter of Ramzan Kadyrov, leader of Russia's mainly Muslim region of Chechnya.The designer, Aishat Kadyrova, showcased a collection of outfits in sumptuous fabrics that conform to the norms of dress in Chechnya's traditional society, wi newbalance 530 th only the face and hands left uncovered. A model presents a creation during a show of the Firdaws f adidas campus homme ashion house led by Aishat Kadyrova, daughter of the Chechen Republic head Ramzan Kadyrov, at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia in Moscow, Russia, March 17, 2017. PHOTO: REUTERS


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BioLineRx Ltd. has announced successful top-line results from the Phase 1 safety and efficacy study of its lead clinical candidate, BL-8040, as a novel approach for mobilization and collection of bone-marrow stem cells from the peripheral blood circulation yeezy damen .All safety and efficacy endpoints were met, showing that treatment with BL-8040 as a single agent was safe and well tolerated at all doses and resulted in efficient stem cell mobilization and collection in all study participants. Importantly, the results support BL-8040 as one-day, single-dose collection regimen, which is a significant improvement upon the current standard of care.Robust stem cell mobilization was evident in adidas yeezys all treated participants, across the different doses tested, supporting a novel approach to stem cell collection. After a single administration, BL-8040 enabled collection of a yield of stem cells that exceeds the number required to support a transplant in all treated participants, following only o nike af1 ne collection p TEHRAN:Iran on Saturday denied supporting cyber attacks against the United States after a New York court indicted seven Iranians over hacking dozens o adidas samba beige f American banks and a major dam."The Islamic Republic of Iran has never had dangerous cyber actions on its agenda and does not support such measures," Hossein Jaber Ansari, the spokesperson for Iran's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.US indicts adidas samba rose seven Iranians with hacking American banksThe United States on Thursday announce adidas samba donna d computer hacking charges against seven Iranians who it said worked for firms linked to the Iranian government, accusing them of infiltrating nearly 50 banks and financial institutions, as well as a major New York dam.The announcement comes after a nuclear agreement last year between Iran, the United States and five other major powers raised hopes for better relations between Tehran and Washington.In a standoff that lasted more than a decade, the US and the European Union imposed sanctions in a bid to stymie Tehra


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System would make the prediction and diagnosis of disease more efficient adidas yeezys and individualised treatment more affordable.Dr Ulrich Keyser of the University鈥檚 Cavendish Laboratory, along with PhD student Nick Bell and other colleagues, has developed a system which combines a solid-state nanopore with a technique known as DNA origami, for use in DNA sequencing, protein sensing and other applications. The technology has been licensed for development and commercialisation to UK-based company Oxford Nanopore, whi nike store dunk ch is developing portable, low-cost DNA analysis sequencing devices.Nanopore technology has the potential to revolutionise DNA sequencing and the analysis of a range of other biological molecules, providing dramatic improvements in power, cost and Scarpe Yeezy speed over current methods.A nanopore is an extremely small hole - between one and 100 nanometres in diameter 鈥?typically contained in a membrane between two chambers containing a salt solution and the molecule of interest. When the molecules ISTANBUL:Five people including a suicide bomber were killed and 36 wounded in a suspected attack by Kurdish militants on a major shopping and tourist district in central Istanbul on Saturday.The fourth suicide bombing in Turkey this year hit part of Istiklal Street, a long pedestrian adidas sneakers campus zone lined with global brand name shops and foreign consulates, just a few hundred metres from an area where police buses are usually parked.EU, Turkey strike 'historic' deal to send back migrantsPreliminary findings indicate that the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) or an affiliate carried out the attack, a senior Turkish adidas campus gr眉n official told Reuters. "The attacker detonated the bomb before reaching the targeted point because they were scared of the police," the official said, adding the bomber had planned to hit a more crowded spot.Armed police sealed off the shopping street where half a dozen ambul adidas campus uomo ances had gathered. Forensic teams in white suitsscoured the area for evidence.Police helicopters buzzed ove


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Exco InTouch has announced the formation of a strategic partnership with Regulatory Strategies. This initiative is in response to upcoming reforms that are designed to further strengthen the data protection policies, procedures, systems and controls of UK and other European organizations.The formal partnership enables Exco InTouch to step up to the regulatory challenge and to immediately satisfy mandatory requirements that aren鈥檛 expected to come into force until 2018. Under the General Data Protect nike dunk low ion Regulation (GDPR), a range of companies responsible for handling sensitive data will be required to have Data Protection Officers in place by this two-year deadline.Dale Jessop, Chief Technology Officer at Exco InTouch remarked: 鈥淎t Exco InTouch we take data protection very seriously indeed. A yeezy 700 key factor underpinning our business has been the need to ensure that we meet 鈥?and exceed nike dunks low 鈥?data regulation requirements across all our global operations. This is why we have taken the decision to Brokerage Charles Schwab Corp on Tuesday launched a service that combines its automated investment management technology with human advisors, as financial newbalance 550 instit new balance 740 utions race to offer digital financial advice.The service, called Schwab Intelligent Advisory, provides clients with a financial and investment plan, unlimited access to a human advisor via phone or video conference, and an investment portfolio of exchange-traded funds managed by computer algorithms.The chatbot helping refugees seek asylumThe service, for clients with at least $25,000 to invest, includes an online platform that keeps track of financial goals and retirement plans, the San Francisco-based company said in a statement. It will charge a 0.28 per cent fee on assets, with a quarterly maximum of $900.The service comes less than two months after Betterment LLC, one of the first and largest online wealth managers known as robo-advisers, sa newbalance 574 id it would offer two similar hybrid plans, with minimum investments of $100,000 an


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yeezys nike high dunk yeezy boost BAHAWALPUR:The schedule for election for reserved seats of the local government in various tehsils of Bahaw adidas samba blancas alpur has been announced. According to a notice issued by the district election commissioner, elections for reserve adidas campus d seats for district councils, municipal corporations and metropolitan corporations would be held on November 15, elections for reserved seats for municipal committees would be held on November 17, and elections for reserved seats for union councils would be held November 19. Returning officers would announce the result of these elections on November 21, while the Election Commission of Pakistan would issue a notif newbalance 990 ication in this regard on November 30 and the oath-taking ceremony of newly elected members would be held on December 3.Published in The Express Tribune, November 12th, 2016.


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More than half of children saw either partial or complete cancer remission in an international clinical trial - For seven months, three-year-old Emil Abbasov underwent chemotherapy to fight the tangerine-sized, cancerous tumor growing in his abdomen. But each time, the tumor resisted harder. Each time, he felt more side effects.Surgery helped remove some of the tumor, but not enough. So doctors at University of Michigan's CS Mot adidas yeezys t Children's Hospital took a new approach, combining the fo converse schuhen rces of immunotherapy and chemotherapy in a nonconventional way.After 17 rounds of the combination treatment, Emil's tumor was completely gone. yeezy boost See Also: Promising results reported in study of pediatric neuroblastomaThe now-kindergartner is among a group of patients with hard-to-treat neuroblastoma who responded so well to the novel treatment combination in a Children's Oncology Group international clinical trial that researchers plan to expand the study to include more children. CS Mott p DI KHAN:Radio has been an extremely significant mode of information and entertainment in Wana, South Waziristan.The area is devoid of most modern day facilities like the internet and cellular network services. However, with militancy ugg boots damen and general uncertainty in the region, R stanleycup adio Wana?€?one of the most popular frequency modulation channels?€?has stopped functioning, much to the disappointment of almost everyone in the area.The relevanceRadio is listened to first and foremost for news value.People who do not have access adidas campus blanche to radios, still get information through word of mouth. A person tunes in, hears news and shares it with people with the information ultimately finding its way to the hujras and pawtowgai. The latter is where women sit together.No equipment to block illegal radio stationsSince there are not many channels of entertainment in the area, radio serves as a mode of recreation.Various frequency modulations in Urdu and Pashto are available in Waziristan where songs and shows are aired


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Osaka University researchers revealed that the metabolite D-2-hydrox dunk homme yglurate (D-2HG) promotes epithelial鈥搈esenchymal transition of colorectal cancer cells, leading them to develop features of lower adherence to neighboring cells, increased invasiveness, and greater likelihood of metastatic spread. The finding highlights the value of targeting D-2HG to establish new therapeutic approaches against colorectal cancer.A metabolite is found to make the colorectal cancer cells more invasive and increase likelihood of more tumors spreading to distant organs; this makes the metabolite a promising target for future cancer therapies.Osaka, Japan 鈥?Cancer cells exhibit a range of properties that diverge from those of their normal heal yeezy foam thy counterparts, including levels of various metabolites. However, it has been difficult to determine whether such altered levels is a cause or a consequence of the cancerous growth.In a jordan breakthrough that offers hope for improved treatment of colorectal cancer, Osaka Kane Williamson-led New Zealand side achieved a milestone on Tuesday after winning their first Test series on thei new balance beige r home soil against Pakistan after more than 30 years.Hosts won the second match of the adidas campus two-match series playing in Hamilton after the visitors, chasing a stiff target of 369 to level the series, were bowled out for 230 in the last session of the play.Second Test: Babar Azam leads Pakistan fightbackFor visitors, the day started on a positive note as openers Sami Aslam and captain Azhar Ali put 131 runs for the first wicket.Azhar departed in the second session of the day on the bowling of left-arm spinner Mitchell Santner after scoring 58 off 161 balls.Sami on the other hand, departed after a hard-fought 91 off 238 balls in the last se adidas campus 00s ssion when the visitors decided to show some intent of chasing down what would be the highest target chased in the country in five-day format.Ross Taylor鈥檚 ton guides New Zealand into series-clinching positionThe Green Caps batting lineup once


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Working with hundreds of thousands of high-resolution images, the team at the Allen Institute for Cell Sci adidas yeezy ence, a division of the Allen Institute, put numbers on the internal organization of human cells 鈥?a biological concept that has to date proven exceptionally difficult to quantify.Through that work, the sci asics gelkayano entists also captured details about the rich variation in cell shape even among genetically identical cells grown under dunk chaussure identical conditions. The team described their work in apaper published in the journalNature.鈥淭he way cells are organized tells us something about their behavior and identity,鈥?saidSusanne Rafelski, PhD, deputy director of the Allen Institute for Cell Science, who led the study along with senior scientistMatheus Viana, PhD. 鈥淲hat鈥檚 been missing from the field, as we all try to understand how cells change in health and disease, is a rigorous way to deal with this kind of organization. We haven鈥檛 yet tapped into that information.鈥漈his study provides a roadmap for ISLAMABAD:Three people were injured on Friday after a speeding van overturned in the Secretariat area of Islamabad. The injured passengers, identified as Sajid, Nasir and As stanley-cup if, were ugg boots damen taken to Polyclinic Hospital where they are under treatment. The van was headed from Islamabad fr adidas samba om Murree. The police have registered a case and started investigation.Published in The Express Tribune, July 30th, 2016.


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The ability of cells to self-organize into specific patternsin tissuesthat serve a function is a un adidas yeezys iversal feature of life. The stripes of a zebra,our eyelash nike dunk sb es,the spiral of seeds in a sunflower and the maze patterns of snakeskins are just a few examples.Another well-known and muc air force 1 damen hstudied pattern is the compound eye of the fruit fly.Thiseye is ahighly patterned hexagonal lattice of800clusters of photoreceptor cells.How does an amorphousblobof cellsdevelop intothis preciseandfamiliarpattern?Northwestern Universityresearchers havediscovered thattheformation of thepatterninvolves mechanical forces, not just chemical signalstransmitted between cells.Using first-of-its-kind live imaging, theresearcherssawcellsmovinginto positionas the eye develops; thecellsare notstaticas previously believed.This major discoveryprovidesprinciples that should extend to other pattern systems.鈥淭here is a constellation of patterns everywhere you look,鈥?said鈥疪ichardCarthew, professor of molecular biosciences in Internationally-acclaimed professional wrestlers will be working as brand ambassadors for one of the leading sanctuaries for orphaned children in the capital. The first ever pro-wrestling event in Pakistan is also on the cards.The news was announc new balance 327 ed by Masscom Solutions CEO Qamar Chaudhry, while speaking at Pakistan Sweet Homes (PSH) in Islamabad, which was visited by acclaimed members of the wrestling fraternity, said a press release on Monday.No orphanage for non-Muslims in Khy new balance 740 ber-PakhtunkhwaChaudhry said the wrestlers would represent the PSH and would promote the mission of Pakistan Baitul Mal (PBM) Managing-Director Zamurd Khan.The CEO elucidated these details during a special visit of Badshah Khan, Flesh Gordon, a wres new balance rosa tling promoter from France, and Tiny Iron, a European champion.The professional athletes were welcomed by Khan along with more than 400 children at the orphanage.Moreover, the establishment of a special section in the sanctuary, as well as all pro-wrestling events co


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Employing an ingenious microfluidic design that combines chemical and mechanical properties, a team of Harvard scientists has demonstrated a new way of detecting and extracting biomolecules from fluid mixtures. The approach requires fewer steps, uses less energy, and achieves better performance than several techniques currently in use and could lead to better technologies for medical diagnostics and chemical purification.The biomolecule sorting technique was developed in the laboratory of Joanna Aizenberg, Amy Smith Berylson Professor of Materials Science at Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) an nike dunk nike d Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. Aizenberg is also co-director of the Kavl yeezy 350 i Institute for Bionano Science and Techn yeezys slide ology and a core faculty member at Harvard鈥檚 Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, leading the Adaptive Materials Technologies platform there.The new microfluidic device, described in a paper appearing today in t The view from outside the bubble tends to be a bit different.From this vantage point the 鈥榮ystem鈥?that we all love to debate and defend appears not so holy, not so sacrosanct and certainly not so humane and paternalistic in its intrinsic nature. And neither do nb 550 its primary beneficiaries.So when elites fight, the grass is not alone in getting tramp adidas adidas samba led. When elites are inside the system and the system is inside the bubble, the fight 鈥?however epic it may be 鈥?remains localised in its ability to have a wider societal impact. The debris from this intra-elite fight may scatter across the known landscape but rarely does it break the perma-frost that divides the elite from the rest.The events of the last few months have brought the traditional intra-elite fight into renewed focus. The debate and discussion o ugg boots tasmania n who actually constitutes the elite is an unending 鈥?and in many ways inconclusive 鈥?one that usually shapes around the situation at hand. And therefore it may be natural to ask if the ous


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Scientists and clinicians from the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS TrustandtheUniversity of Cambridge 鈥?supporte nike dunk d by Cancer Research UK (CRUK) 鈥?have conducted the largest whole-genome sequencing analysis of cancer tumors to date. The researchers say they have uncovered a 鈥渢reasure trove鈥?of insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms behind different forms of cancers. Their work, published in Science, has also identified novel mutational signatures in individuals and across sub-populations. Next-generation sequencing in cancer In the early 2000s, next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies emerged that transformed scientific research. The ability to read and explore the function of DNA code at scale and pace has had a dramatic impact on many fields of research and how we study the biology of humans and other organisms.In clinical medicine, NGS has helped us to understand how slight variations in the genetic code fr dunk low om one person to another converse chucks can contribute to a disease. Or w KARACHI:The Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) organised the Pakistan Mango Show in Minsk, Belarus on July 15-16, 2016 to promote Pakistani mango exports.Government officials, diplomats, importers, wholesalers and media per adidas sambarose sons were invited to the show, which was held in a five-star hotel.A delegation of two leading mango exporters was also sent by the TDAP f adidas samba beige or participating in the exhibition, said a press release on Monday.Pakistan struggles to become leading exporter of mangoesFresh mangoes, mango juice, mango shak new balance bleu es and other mango recipes were served during lunch. A video documentary on Pakistan鈥檚 mangoes was shown and brochures and newsletters, carrying vital information, were also distributed. Each guest was presented with 2kg of mangoes.On July 16, the show was organised in two leading shopping centres of Minsk - Stolitsa and Zamak. Both the shopping centres had a high attendance during the mango festival.The display area was decorated with publicity and promotion ma


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Trillium Therapeutics Inc. (TTI) has announced that it has acquired all assets belonging to Arthron Ltd. Pty. (Arthron), a subsidiary of Pri yeezy chaussure ma Biomed Ltd. (Prima). Prima develops technologies in the fields of immunology and cancer immunotherapy originating from the Austin Research Institute, in Melbourne, Australia.鈥淭his acquisition is a major step in executing our strategy of building a quality R&D portfolio of cutting-edge immunology-related assets,鈥?commented Dr. Niclas Stiernholm, TTI鈥檚 CEO.鈥淲e believe this will create lasting value for our current shareholders and broade tenis yeezys n the appeal for future investors.鈥?鈥淭his transaction not only adds three new top level research programs to TTI鈥檚 pipeline, but it also provides us with excellent opportunities to build new development partnerships, and allows us to retain and advance several programs internally.鈥濃€淭his acquisition is a well conceived transaction, which will tr adidas yeezys ansform the company and help move it to the next level.鈥滱rthron owns or ISLAMABAD:The Capital Development Authority (CDA) in second round of balloting allotted 330 plots in Sector I-12 and I-11 to rehabilitate and accommodate land affectees of Islamabad.The balloting was held at Jinnah Convention Centre on Thursday evening in presence of large number of people the majority of w nb 993 hich allegedly comprised property dealers instead of genuine affectees.聽 It was second balloting in line with the recently-announced standard operating procedures (SOPs) to rehabilitate and accommodate聽 affectees of Islamabad during last one week.Some participants who were claiming themselves as genuine affectees objected over balloting and blamed CDA Land Directorate for carrying out balloting to accommodate property dealers and some individual pe ugg rsonalities instead of genuine affectees.The number land affectees told The Express Tribune that CDA Land Directorate allotted plots to a adidas sambarose ffectees of Chak Shahzad and Mauza Humak in I-12 and I-11 Sectors by dodging its new SOPs, which was un


Toqi Inhuman treatment: South Punjab tops the list in domestic violence cases
The converse study has been accepted for publication in the Stem Cell Research and Therapy peer-reviewed journal and the provisional paper is available o newbalance schuhe nline. It was conducted under the guidance of James Byrne, PhD, assistant professor, UCLA Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, at the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research.鈥淲e continue to be pleased with the results of our collaboration with UCLA to pursue the full potential of fibroblasts,鈥?said David Pernock, CEO and Board Chair, Fibrocell Science.The cells may be used by academic researchers and pharmaceutical companies to evaluate new drug compounds for safety and to develop patient-specific therapies for multiple disease states, including heart disease, Parkinson鈥檚 disease and diabetes. Using skin cells is more advantageous to the patient than obtaining cells from bone marrow or adi yeezy boost pose tissue (fat). A skin biopsy is quicker to perform, less painful and minimally invasive.Dr. Byrne鈥檚 study Chief of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Air Marshal Sohail Aman has expressed satisfaction on the operational readiness and training of the PAF combat crew, reiterat uggs hausschuhe ing to protect the sovereignty of the country at all costs.During his visit to an operational base of exercise High Mark-2016 on Sunday, the air marshal was聽given a comprehensive briefing on the first stage of the exercise, said a PAF statement.Nearly two dozen flights from Islamabad cancelled due to PAF exercisesThe PAF had closed on Thursday the Lahore-Pakistan motorway to let it practice landing jets on the road, in what it said was routine training not related to heightened tension with India after a deadly attack in the disputed Kashmir region.The attack in t new balance hombre h adidas campus 80s e frontier town of Uri 鈥?the latest in a decades-long dispute over Kashmir, claimed and held in part by both India and Pakistan 鈥?has raised new fears of military conflict between the nuclear-armed neighbours.PAF jet crashes in Khyber; pilot killedThe air chief met the


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Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have developed an approach to estimating when a person who is likely to develop Alzheimer鈥檚 disease, but has no cognitive symptoms, will start showing signs of Alzheimer鈥檚 dementia.The algorithm, available online in the journalNeurology, uses data from a kind of brain scan known as amyloid positron emission tomography (PET) to gauge brain levels of the key Alzheimer鈥檚 protein amyloid beta.In those who eventually develop Alzheimer鈥檚 dementia, amyloid silently builds up in the brain for up to two decades before the first signs of adidas yeezy confusion and forgetfulness appear. Amyloid PET scans already are used widely in Alzheimer鈥檚 research, and this algorithm represents a new way of analyzing such scans to approximate when symptoms will arise. Using a person鈥檚 age and data from a single amyloid PET scan, the algorithm yields an estimate of h dunk nike low o nike af1 w far a person has progressed toward dementia 鈥?and how much time is left before cognitiv KRAK贸W, POLAND:Poland will deploy more than 40,000 security personnel to protect Pope Francis and the hundreds of thousands of young Catholics meeting him for World Youth Day (WYD) in Krakow next week.The deployment comes after a string of deadly attacks in Paris, Brussels, Nice and Munich in which over 250 people have died since January 2015.Christians should apologise to gay people: Pope FrancisAs head of the Roman Catholic church, Pope Francis is an important potential target.The attempted assassination of pope John Paul II by Turkish gunman Mehmet Ali Agca on May 13, 1981, demonstrated that pontiffs are as vulnerable to assassins as politicians.Warsaw has not skimped on personnel: 20,000 thousand polic nb 530 emen, including 7,500 patrolling the streets, 9,000 firefighters, and 800 special government agents as well as 1,000 border guards will be at work to ensure safety.Border controls with EU neighbours have also been restored temporarily, while all small border traffic with no adidas samba sale n-E newbalance 574 U Ukrain


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Galapagos NV has announced that the selective JAK1 inhibitor filgotinib as once-daily monotherapy at week 24 showed further improvements in signs and symptoms of moderately to severe, active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in the DARWIN 2 Phase 2B study.Filgotinib was jordan2 well tolerated in this study. Hemoglobin levels increased. These final 24-week study results are consistent with the efficacy and safety profile of filgotinib obs new balance 9060 erved in prior clinical studies. With these final results, the data package for AbbVie is complete, which triggers the start of the licensing decision period.DARWIN 2 is a 24-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled evaluation of filgotinib, as once-daily administration (QD dosing) at 3 dose levels. Results were reported for 283 patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis who showed an inadequate response to methotrexate. Filgotinib or placebo was given a dunk panda s monotherapy. The patients were evaluated up to 24 weeks.The results from this study show a rapid onset of KARACHI:A five-wicket haul by Aizaz Cheema helped Pakistan International Airline (PIA) restrict Brighto Paints to just 91 on the opening day of the four-day final of the Patron鈥檚 Trophy (Grade II) yesterday.Opting to bat first at the Diamond Club in Islamabad, Brighto Paints were going along smoothly at 42 without loss as openers Waqas Saleem (15) and Mohammad Idrees (29) gave them a solid platform. But it was all downhill from there as they lost three top-order batsmen in quick succession, with Cheema dismissing both openers and new balance mujer then Mohammad Waleed on a duck.Spot-fixing charges: SHC seeks Danish Kaneria's bank account detailsBrighto Paints鈥?Akbar Badsha stayed on the crease for a while but was nb soon sent back by PIA鈥檚 Syed Najaf Shah after scoring 12 runs, while Cheema took his fourth by dismissing Salman Ali Agha on duck. The former Pakistan pacer completed his five-for after dismissing Waqas Ahmed for 12.Cheema was supported by Ali Imran Pasha, wh adidas samba vegan o claimed three.Waqar Younis apologi


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Speculative memory side-channel attacks are security vulnerabilities in computers for which no efficient solutions have been found. Existing solutions only address specific security threats without solving the underlying issue.Speculative side-channel attacks exploit a fundamental functionality in microprocessors to expose security vulnerabilities. The first such security threats, Meltdown and Spectre, were announced dunk chaussure last year, but many more have been discovered since. Previous security solutions have been limited and often incurred a high performance penalty.Now, researchers from Uppsala University, NTNU, and Univers dunk nike store ity of Murcia have come up with a more appealing solution, which will be presented at the prestigious International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) at the end of June. https://iscaconf.org/isca2019/"Our solution reduces the air force 1 performance and energy costs, and increases the security of the computer system, when compared to previous solutions," says Christos Sakalis, The talented owner and jeweller behind Allure by MHT, speaks to us about the exquisite jewellery inside her vaultHow and when did you become interested in jewellery?I have always been inclined towards picking and wearing unique pieces of jewellery, however my current profession was quite unplanned. I knew of a karighar who went out of business when the gold prices hiked about four years ago. He was my go-to person for statement pendants set in alloy. My friends were often fascinated by the unique pieces of jewellery I would wear, and on their insistence, I finally started my business. I have never looked back since and of course, God has been very kin nb d.What are your favourite pieces of jewellery?My absolute favourite is a pair of earrings set in rose-cut, American diamonds that we created for our formal collection last adidas samba hombre year. And of course, a diamond solitaire ring which is a gift from my husband is also my favourite.Is there any piece you are emotiona stanley lly attached to and why?My sapphire


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Bacteria can be tricked into sending death signals to stop the growth of their slimy, protective homes that lead to deadly infections, a new study adidas yeezy demonstrates.The discovery by Washington State University researchers could someday be harnessed as an alternative to antibiotics for treating difficult infections. Reporting in the journal,Biofilm, the researchers used the messengers, which they named death extracellular vesicles (D-EVs), to reduce gr new balance damen owth of the bacterial communities by up to 99.99% in laboratory experiments.鈥淎dding the death extracellular vesicles to the bacterial environment, we are kind of cheating the bacteria cells,鈥?said Mawra Gamal Saad, first author on the paper and a graduate student in WSU鈥檚 Gene and Linda Voiland School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering. 鈥淭he cells don鈥檛 know which type of EVs they are, but they take them up because they are new balance 9060 used to taking them from their environment, and with that, the physiological signals inside the cells change from PESHAWAR:Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa newbalance Governor Iqbal Zafar Jhagra has directed officials to ensure that all problems faced by the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) University, including a shortage of funds, are addressed. Chairing a high-level meeting of FATA University at the Governor House in Peshawar on Tuesday, Jhagra directed the concerned officials to take measures to ensure that apart from receiving ample fund nb s, other problems of the varsity are looked into while the students and management are facilitated. Earlier, Fata University鈥檚 Vice Chancellor Dr Muhammad Tahir gave a detailed briefing on the current state of the varsit nb 550 y to the government, highlighting the problems which the institute is facing. Jhagra said that they government was paying special attention to promoting higher education in Fata and the issue of insufficient funds will not become a hindrance.Published in The Express Tribune, June 7th, 2017.


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Just as teenagers struggle to define themselves, cells do too. For embryonic stem (ES) cells - the cells endowed with a seemingly magical abili adidas yeezy ty to form almost any kind of tissue in the body - this process of yeezys kaufen self-discovery is particularly mysterious. Findings reported yeezy boost in the April 21 issue of聽Cell聽clarify the molecular underpinnings of this unusual awakening and could help to unlock the basis of their regenerative powers. A research team led by聽Broad Institute聽scientists has discovered unique molecular imprints coupled to DNA in mouse ES cells. These imprints, or "signatures," appear near the master regulatory genes that control embryonic development and likely coordinate their activity during the initial phases of cell maturation. Largely absent from other cell types, the signatures disappear from ES cells once they commit to a specific developmental path. This exclusivity could be a crucial handle for understanding the rare and wide-ranging capacities of ES cells as well as the lim GILGIT:A plethora of colourful camps of all sizes inundated valleys like Hunza, Nagar, Astore, Ghizer and Baltistan in Gilgit-Baltistan as students and families visiting the region set their tents in hotel lawn new balance 327 s and other open places.Pleasant weather, better security and improved infrastructure, particularly road services, have resulted in tourism bonanza for Gilgit-Baltistan. Thousands of tourists flocked to the region to escape the sizzling heat from the plains and enjoy the breathtaking view of the valleys, plateaus and rivers that cover G-B.G-B鈥檚 recognition: 鈥楥ap Day鈥?new balance 480 to be held annuallyHowever, the sudden increase and boost in the in ugg ultra mini dustry has resulted in shortage of accommodation as most hotels in the region are brimming with full capacity.The influx was triggered by the opening of Babusar Road that links G-B to scenic Naran and Kaghan valleys 鈥?destinations that received record breaking number of tourists this week.The downside鈥淚 saw people spending nights in their cars,鈥?Wasee


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Vitamins are essential nutrients required in small amounts, the lack of which leads to deficiencies. Many pathogenic microorganisms produce vitamins, and these biosynthetic pathways may provide suitable targets for development of new drugs.Indeed antifolates targeting vitamin B9 biosynthesis of the malarial parasites have been proven valuable chemotherapeutics for the treatment of malaria, one of the most devastating infectious diseases leading to nearly 250 million cases worldwide and about 1 million deaths annually. Vitamin B6 biosynthesis of the parasite has been discussed as a drug novel targe dunk nike store t.A major factor hindering malaria control is the high degree of resi asics gelkayano stance developed by Plasmodium species against currently available drugs. Hence, there is still an urgent n yeezy 350 eed for the identification of novel drug targets as well as antimalarial chemotherapeutics.Using the University鈥檚 Southampton Diffraction Centre, researchers have now been able to describe the malarial enzymes responsibl The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has inaugurated a cloud data centre to increase efficiency, productivity and collaboration among universities and reduce costs by using centralised newbalance 9060 IT infrastructure.Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms Ahsan Iqbal inaugurated the centre at the HEC headquarters in Islamabad on Thursday, said a press release.Chinese Ambassador Sun Weidong, HEC Chairman Dr Mukhtar Ahmed, vice-chancellors of different universities and others were also present.The centr nb balance e aims to facilitate Pakistani universities to become part of a world-class research environment while making use of internet and web-based technologies as strategic tools.The data centre will provide services such as virtual data centres, virtual desktop infrastructure, safe campus central solution and central surveillance, unified communication and shared services, storage as a service and trai uggs hausschuhe ning as a service.Iqbal termed the centre a backbone of infrastructural and technological de